Reasons to Love PBC

With its award-winning programs and beautiful natural settings, there are endless reasons to love PBC! Here are just a few reasons why we (the staff) love the Princeton-Blairstown Center:

Pat Karl enjoying the fresh air at PBC


“I love working at PBC’s “campus in the woods” because having an office overlooking our property full of wildlife, trees, and a lake offers a relaxing and calming feeling.  Just driving into this beautiful property, you can’t help but appreciate all the wonders of nature (especially at sunrise or sunset).” -Pat Karl


“I love PBC because there is such a long history here of people being passionate about sharing meaningful outdoor experiences with young people who might not otherwise have such a transformative experience. There is nothing better than watching a kid achieve something like the target jump that they never thought was possible – the look of pride, amazement, and joy they have is priceless!” -Meredith Murray

Meredith Murray outside on a snowy day

Ron Franco rappelling at PBC


“PBC helps provide our curious participants with a beautiful natural environment, along with a kind, caring, and thoughtful staff, topped with the adventurous spirit of the forest! For this...I LOVE PBC!” -Ron Franco


“I love PBC because it is a safe place to work! I know I look a little banged up in the photo but those are NOT work-related injuries! Rather, the photo shows the extensive training PBC provides to ensure that everyone on staff is fully prepared for any and all emergencies. Here I am part of a group of seriously “injured” campers taking part in Wilderness First Responder (WFR) training in March 2021. Our year-round and seasonal staff all have the opportunity to earn WFR certification prior to the start of each season. The training was amazing and I am a better Director of Programs for having participated!” -Mark DeBiasse

Mark DeBiasse participating in Wilderness First Responder training at PBC


Maren Morsch enjoys a hike with her pup


“I love PBC because it offers incredible opportunities for individuals and groups to Learn, Grow, and Lead – with support, encouragement, and fun at every turn.” -Maren Morsch


“I love being outdoors, especially at PBC, because it always feels like there is something new to explore and learn about. When I’m with our participants, getting to share that joy and open their eyes to the natural world is truly inspiring.” -Holly Lynn

Holly Lynn getting outside despite the winter weather at PBC

“I love what PBC stands for.  PBC’s team truly cares about each child and works diligently with the groups so they get the experience(s) they need.  I enjoy hearing about how these groups leave with lifetime tools and experiences that mean something to them collectively and individually.  There are many groups who come year after year.  It shows a true commitment to their students and how they recognize the effect PBC has on children and that there’s always one more step!  Who wouldn’t want to be a part of this amazing team!!!” -Gina Greico


Jennifer Fisher on a ski slope


"I love PBC because of how it connects people with nature and how the programs are designed to help people grow into better versions of themselves." -Jennifer Fisher


“My work is given meaning because of PBC. Working at PBC allows me to give back to my community by knowing we are impacting the lives of young people. I also love our work culture and how we are always striving to be better than we were the previous year.” -Nicole Nilsson

Nicole Nilsson and her son enjoy a day near the water

Chef Bob cooking on the grill


“I enjoy cooking a restaurant quality meal for the kids and making them feel welcome - all in a rustic camp setting.” -Chef Bob


“I love PBC because of its important mission to help our most vulnerable youth to grow and succeed, while having fun outdoors in nature.  I deeply respect and admire PBC’s commitment to conservation and sustainability, and their continuous effort to spread the awareness to the next generation of leaders.  I love the incredible kindness and dedication of PBC’s staff and their tireless commitment to the program’s success.” -Anna Kats

Anna Kats snowshoeing at PBC

Pam Gregory, President and CEO of the Princeton-Blairstown Center


“I love PBC because it has a history of providing access and equity to transformative outdoor experiences for young people from historically marginalized communities.  I also love that the young adults who come to work at PBC grow tremendously and often go on to work in helping professions that make the world a more equitable and better place.” -Pam Gregory