Encouraging Less Screentime and More Connection
/In an era where screens often dominate the attention of young people, the mission to guide them back to the wonders of the natural world has become increasingly crucial. Princeton-Blairstown has been steadfast in pursuing this objective.
Recent statistics reveal that the average young person spends over seven hours per day on screens, leading to a concerning disconnect from the world around them. The Princeton-Blairstown Center’s programs are aimed at combating screen time addiction and reigniting a passion for nature, teamwork and more.
The positive effects of putting down phones and computers are countless; studies suggest that reducing screen time and engaging in outdoor activities can have significant positive effects on mental health and social well-being. Additionally, by encouraging a healthier balance between screen time and outdoor engagement, the Center aims to equip young individuals with the necessary skills and mindset to thrive in a world that increasingly values real-world experiences and connections.
For those looking to inspire a love for nature and instill a sense of environmental responsibility in the young minds of today, Princeton-Blairstown extends an invitation. Together, let's create a generation that not only values the beauty of the natural world but also understands the critical importance of preserving it for generations to come.